Buy Side M&A
Cross border acquisitions can give you access to new markets, diversify product offerings, reduce operating costs or obtain valuable assets.
We can advise from the very beginning by developing and challenging the right M&A strategy throughout the whole process of acquiring one or several companies.
Our services offered include identifying and approaching the right targets, assist in negotiating the transaction and coordinating the execution of the transaction.
To take advantage of opportunities in a market, it’s essential to know what’s going on. It means getting to know the industry, the transaction parties, and the culture.
Our long-term relationships provide a profound understanding of local markets and cultures. Our experts initiated numerous acquisitions for Corporates, Private Equity firms and their portfolio companies.
Crossing Borders
While buying or selling a company within your own cultural environment can be challenging enough, adding the international component to it definitely requires the help of an expert.
While local legal and fiscal expertise is important, navigating cultural differences requires not just language skills, but also the ability to understand what the other side means. Only then will a true mutual understanding between parties be possible, the indispensible foundation for an M&A transaction to be successful.